Enhance the performance of a traditional stock and bond portfolio by allocating to startup shares and equity
Relative to a Traditional Portfolio composed of 60% large-cap i.e stocks and 40% of bonds, a portfolio that includes an allocation of promising startups; has historically shown the ability to drive higher returns, as well as improve the risk-adjusted appreciation rate at a high yield investment return. Learn how to diversify up to 50% in startup equity, a decision that will positively impact your portfolio.

Benefits of investing in startup equity
Capital appriciation
Low loss rates
Price Appreciation vs other asset classes
Startups Equity has a long history as a transactable asset, with a market place of $109 Trillion according to gulfnews. The history of global equity markets dates back several centuries. The concept of equity ownership in companies and the trading of shares has evolved over time. some key milestones in the history of the global equity market (read more). SEFI has compiled intelligence teams working on the due diligence of startups in order to make sure we provide investors with the most promising young companies from the gulf countries. Between 1995 and 2022, disruptive startups has appreciated at a compound annual growth return (CAGR) of 25% according to fastercapital, outperforming the S&P 500.

Low correlation to other asset classes
Correlation Factor with Promising Startups
Crowdfund & Equity Market vs Selected Asset Classes: 1995-2022
- Real Estate
- US coro bonds
- S&P 500 Total Return
- Gold
Promising Startups Prices have historically demonstrated low correlation with other asset classes during periods of financial stress.

A dedicated Startups Accelerator platform that has provided investor with long-term capital appreciation
Our proprietary data, combined with our research, acquisitions and intelligent private team provide data driven investment exposure to blue-chip assets in a promising startups market. Since 1995, promising startups has provided an attractive price appreciation, with limited periods of price depreciation. The asset class has also lacked material correlation to other major asset classes.
Promising Startups vs Other Asset
Classes: 1995 to 2023